21 August 2012

Reflections of

Many years ago when I was an undergraduate in Texas, I went to a concert once in this really crappy warehouse. The plumbing was terrible and the venue was always too hot or too cold.

The concert was great, even though I don't remember which bands I saw that night. Maybe Ratatat? They weren't the headliner, though. But I had a good time, either way.

Anyway, in the middle of the show the guys in the band (maybe it was Need New Body?) had the whole crowd sing this song and it was really an amazing experience. I never forgot it.

 "Where is the moon when the moon is new? It's a sliver to the right getting bigger every night.
Where is the moon when the moon is round? Rising as the sun is going down. 
Where is the moon when the moon is waning? It's a sliver to the left 'til there's no moon remaining."

I officially start classes for graduate school tomorrow, and here I am, up in the middle of the night, thinking about the moon.  


  1. That was one of the best encores I've ever seen.

  2. The moon seems like a natural thing for you to have been thinking about. Your spirituality is a big part of your life.

